Wednesday, March 25, 2020

An Introduction to Chemistry Quiz

An Introduction to Chemistry QuizAn introduction to chemistry quiz can be a great way to start learning this particular subject. An introduction to chemistry quiz can be a great resource to help people get up to speed in the fast paced world of chemistry. Using this quiz can help students get their feet wet in the basics of chemistry and make them more comfortable when they take a more advanced class such as chemistry.A quiz can be a great way to get your students thinking about the topic of chemistry in the classroom. The introduction to chemistry quiz will give your students a quick and fun way to learn the fundamentals of chemistry. It is a quick and fun way to get started in chemistry. There are many different kinds of quizzes that you can use to help get your students thinking about the subject. The different kinds of quizzes can help your students learn about different kinds of chemicals.If you want to use a quiz that is interactive, you can create one of your own. Creating a q uiz of your own will keep your students engaged and will get them thinking about the subject of chemistry. They will want to take the quiz to find out how they did on it.You can also choose a quiz that has some timed components to it. This will help to keep your students on track with their time. They will know how much time they have to complete the quiz and will use that time to complete it properly.Quizzes that have multiple choices can also be very helpful. They will help your students choose the most relevant chemical element to them. By making them choose from many different kinds of elements, they will get to take the quiz and the right element that they were trying to choose. They will know what it is they are looking for and it will be much easier for them to get to the chemistry section of the course.When you have made your quiz, you should then try to find a good way to show it to your students. There are many ways that you can do this. You can create a digital version of your quiz. You can also take a photo of the quiz and then print it out.Finally, you can provide a printable version of your quiz. This is a great option because it will help you have a reference for when you are giving your students the quiz. You will be able to use the printable version of your quiz to give to your students before you give them the quiz. You can save time by having your students print out your quiz so that they can print it out as often as they need to.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Get Them Reading Books in English for 10 Year Olds

Get Them Reading Books in English for 10 Year Olds A great way to supplement your childs English classes it to get them reading in English. There are plenty of options for 10 year olds, from old classics to new favorites, girly treats and scary (but not too scary) science for boys.Here are some of the best books in English for 10 year olds:With the popularity of C.S. Lewis The Chronicles of Narnia in film format, the first book of the series, The Lion, The Witch The Wardrobe makes a great and timely book gift for young readers. They will probably already be familiar with the plot surrounding the magical world of Narnia entered through a wardrobe and characters of the White Witch and lion Aslan, but now they will have the opportunity to let Lewis words bring the classic story to life.British author of Norweigan descent, Roald Dahl, is a very popular author with younger readers. His novel James The Giant Peach is a great choice for 10 year olds. It features a huge magical peach  with  its band of friendly insects who help a young boy escape from his two horrible aunts.Now, for something entirely different. Children love a scare thats not a big scare. The R.L. Stines Goosebumps series is great at this. The books mix horror with science fiction for younger readers.Introduce the ten-year old girl in your life to the joys of foreign travel with the Melanie Martin novels by Carol Weston. Melanie in Manhattan and With Love from Spain, Melanie Martin are two of the titles in the series. Your child will learn  about the history and art of the places visited through Melanie’s history buff dad and art teacher mother.Most little girls love a story about princesses. Gail Carson Levines The Princess Tales is one of the best in the genre with its play on stereoptypes and humor. Expect more than one prince and even some tuna in chocolate cake.Did you find this information helpful? Feel free to share it on Facebook and Twitter. Contact us if you  would like your child to take  classes with a native English speaker.Aprender m as sobre nuestras clases de inglés para niños.

How To Be Indispensable At Work

How To Be Indispensable At Work Image: rawpixel via Work on improving yourself You may have gotten a good job that you have always wanted, but there is always room for  improvement. Review your work on a regular basis. Be honest with yourself and see where you can be doing better. Make sure your goals are in line with your manager’s goals as well as the goals of the company. Set measurable goals and keep track of your progress to ensure that you are on the right track. If you lose sight of your goals, take some time to get back on track and ask for advice from your co-workers on how to stay focused. Ask your manager or supervisor for feedback after every project you complete and take notes so you remember what to change for the next project. Taking initiative to ask for feedback instead of assuming that you will receive it shows that you care about your work and that you are wanting to improve. If you make a mistake, do not beat yourself up over it, but make sure you learn what not to do next time. Be willing to go above and beyond Offer to help others once you are finished your own projects. Not only will this impress your boss by showing him or her that you care about others, but it will give you an opportunity to learn a new skill and meet other people who may be in different departments. Learning a new skill will help you stand out, especially when your boss is looking for someone to take on future projects. If no one needs help,  ask  for more work, even if it means getting a head-start on something. Arrive to work early and be willing to stay late. This is especially helpful if you know you have a lot to complete on a given day, know that you are taking time off in the near future, or have multiple deadlines coming up. Unless your boss is explicitly against people working outside of hours, putting in the extra effort will help you stand out by showing that you are willing to put in the extra effort to get things done in a timely manner and even get ahead of the game. Communicate effectively with coworkers Speak up when you need to. It may be intimidating to stand up for yourself and what you need, but it is important to let your voice be heard. Your ideas and experiences are just as valid as everyone else’s in the office. You would not have been hired if you were not worthy of the job, so do not hesitate to share your ideas and wisdom, even if you feel like you are not as qualified as some of the others in the workplace. You never know- your idea may be something that no one has ever considered and may be the solution that is needed for a problem. Do not underestimate your abilities. Ask questions when necessary. If you need clarification on instructions, ask your supervisor for more information. It is better to be sure than to mess up and be delayed by having to redo something you did. However, avoid asking questions on how to do something unless you have exhausted all other outlets of finding an answer. Ask a co-worker or Google the question first. If you are still stuck or if something is genuinely not working, by all means, let your boss know. Otherwise, keep going through the various sources of figuring out the problem. If you do feel the need to alert your supervisor of problems, send him or her a message stating that you are encountering issues, and let them know what you are doing to resolve them. This shows that you are not willing to give up and that you are willing to take initiative to solve problems that arise. Know when, and how, to listen. While speaking your mind and sharing your ideas is important, sometimes listening is even more important. Do not interrupt, even if you disagree or feel like you are being personally attacked. If you need to respond to what feels like a personal attack, respond respectfully. Make eye contact with the person who is speaking and acknowledge that you are listening by asking questions and engaging in the conversation. The workplace can be competitive, but if you work hard, you will be able to rise above and stand out amongst your co-workers. With the right skills and qualities, your boss will take note of you and see how great you are for the company.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Instituto Bilingüe VICTORIA

Instituto Bilingüe VICTORIA Instituto Bilingüe VICTORIA Located in the state of Querétaro, northern Mexico, Instituto Bilingue VICTORIA is a bilingual international school. The school was first established by a group of British and New Zealand teachers in 1993, and has seen extensive growth and redevelopment since its founding. The school currently has plans to take in over 650 students, and move onto a brand-new site in the near future. The school currently operates on a 1.5-hectare site and is still able to boast of a number of modern recreational and academic facilities including a range of arts equipment, a full-sized football pitch which also serves as a break area, and an outdoor hard-court area. The school is bilingual between English and Spanish throughout its age range, with younger pupils following both the British Early Years Foundation Stage, and the local Mexican SEP programme. The English and Mexican curriculums are similarly used when students move into their primary phase of education, and secondary school pupils studies culminate in the taking of the IGCSE examination, still in a bilingual curriculum. Students then go on to study for British A-level examinations, in order to best aid their chances of going to university.

Using Social Media in Education - ALOHA Mind Math

Using Social Media in Education Teachers, parents and students using social media for communication can be a slippery slope, this article says. This is definitely a concern as the world of social media has encouraged a “comment first, think later” attitude among youngsters the world over. Even where adults are concerned, this might lead to inadvertently hurting someone’s feelings, without realizing the privacy of certain discussions. Though the negative impacts can be many, there are also other positive ways in which social media can be integrated into education: Easy access to information: Students can interact with their peers in a low-pressure environment, and easily discuss and access information regarding class work and projects. Building a brand: Where schools and especially institutes of higher education are concerned, social media marketing can be a great tool to publicizing the institution and improving the brand image. Using Social Media in EducationImage Courtesy : Publishing projects and research: Once an institution has built up a brand, and is known to maintain a social media page, it can also use this medium to publish important projects and research papers done by the students. This would encourage the students as well to perform to the best of their abilities, to enable their work to reach a bigger audience. It can also be a great way for corporates to reach out to the student world. Alumni network: As most outgoing students of the school would be interested in staying in touch with the alma mater, alumni network groups on social media platforms are a very common trend. Through this, the educational institution can reach out to the alumni, as well as enable the alumni to stay in touch and organize get-togethers and events. Social media can be a very powerful tool if used in an appropriate manner, and I am sure we can use it to our advantage with just a few caveats. At Aloha, we try to harness the advantages of social media, by broadcastin g information about our ongoing events, and testimonials by parents. Our Math and English classes can be very useful for young children to gain more confidence in tackling these subjects at school. Do check out our website for more details:

Food to Have Delivered to Your Graduation Party That Isnt Pizza

Food to Have Delivered to Your Graduation Party That Isn't Pizza via Pixabay Food Direct Food Direct is an amazing website where you can order whatever kind of prepared food you want. Instead of ordering food from a restaurant or having a restaurant cater your party, you can choose which foods are on the menu. It can be a variety of different cuisines. Not to mention, Food Direct will deliver food from all over the country. So, if you would like some Maine lobster for your main course and authentic New York cheesecake for dessert, it can be arranged. via Pixabay Olive Garden Talk about endless breadsticks and salad. Your guests will love you for bringing them buttery and doughy breadsticks along with soups, salads, and pastas. If you’re in the mood for Italian food, this is the best restaurant to cater your graduation party. They will set up a pasta bar with different types of pasta and sauces for your guests to pick and choose which entrée they would like to try. They may even come up with something not offered on the original menu! via Pixabay Panera Bread If your graduation party takes place during the day, sandwiches and soups are the perfect foods to serve your guests. With a variety of different sandwiches, soups, and pastries, Panera Bread won’t let you down. Who wouldn’t love being served warm and creamy macaroni and cheese in the comfort of their own home? Your guests will love the artisan sandwiches. Panera will have your guests looking at their food as much more than just a sandwich, but a masterpiece. via Pixabay Mexican food Everybody loves Mexican food, especially if it is catered from either Qdoba or Chipotle. They will offer you a “Make Your Own” burrito or taco bar, just like in the stores. This allows for each guest to personalize their meal at your graduation party. Nobody likes to show up to a party that is serving unappetizing food. You can’t go wrong with Mexican, whether it is tacos, burritos, chimichangas, or tamales. Your guests will be sure to go back for seconds. via Pixabay Sushi If your crowd is the type to go out for sushi or try new things, ordering a massive amount of sushi and sashimi rolls will excite your guests. You may even want to hire someone to make the sushi on site so your guests can admire the technique and skill put into making a sushi roll. Of course, you will need to serve more than just sushi. Spring rolls, edamame, miso soup, and fried rice are some other dishes you can serve alongside your sushi and sashimi rolls. via Pixabay Famous Dave’s BBQ If you decide to host your graduation party outside on a warm summer day, barbecue food may be the way to go. Pulled pork sandwiches and sweet baby back ribs will make your guests “ooh” and “ahh” as they wipe off their hands with wet napkins. Add some coleslaw and cornbread and you just served them a wonderful meal consisting of comfort food. via Pixabay Deli sandwiches If the atmosphere of your graduation party is a little more casual and takes place during the day, ordering deli sandwiches from a local sandwich shop or grocery store may be the way to go. Make sure to order a variety of different meats and some vegetarian sandwiches. Serve with sides such as potato salad, macaroni salad, and coleslaw. This isn’t the most extensive menu, but it’s simple and everyone is sure to enjoy it. via Pixabay Well … Pizza When talking about food delivery options, of course I have to mention the famous and most commonly ordered food: pizza. If you decide to just have a small group of friends over to celebrate your graduation and you don’t want to make a big deal about it, order a few pizzas with different types of toppings. If you’re feeling adventurous, have everyone ordered their own small pizza and then trade and share slices with one another.

Does Tutoring Count As Community Service?

Does Tutoring Count As Community Service?If you want to take part in a programme for children with special needs, your job will involve helping the child to learn. Most of the programmes have some sort of learning element, but do they really count as community service? Children's charity, religious or community groups might prefer that you treat the subject matter as a set of skills to be learned rather than a challenge to be tackled. The question here is how it should be?It is common in some ways schools to think of this subject as being about developing academic skills, with children reading and spelling and writing taking up a major role. When it comes to tutoring, there are many teachers who see it as an opportunity to help children with different levels of academic ability, such as dyslexia, with reading and maths. It might even help them learn how to participate more fully in other aspects of life, which could be a good thing.If you see the subject as being about a set of skill s to be learnt, you might find it easier to apply yourself, and therefore the need to become more involved. You could possibly volunteer to visit the school for the children or tutor at the after-school activity. This would be a good use of your time might actually help them learn in a variety of ways.Tutoring can be used to help children with learning difficulties learn basic reading and writing skills, but it also means that you will be able to encourage your children to read and write, as well as how to use these skills. This is vital for people of all ages, especially in a culture where literacy is considered to be the best way to learn. What counts as tutoring is how you go about it.Perhaps the best way to see if it counts as community service is by looking at what other teachers feel when they help out the child's teacher. They will most likely not think of it as community service, as it involves the child working with a professional. But if you have a look at the role a teach er plays in the education of the children in the area you are in, it may surprise you to find that they have much less influence over their lives than you might think. Many parents' back-up is often provided by the school, or the local church, so teachers will feel much more involved.If you come to school at the start of the school day to pick the child up, you may well be expected to be there to offer encouragement and support, rather than a 'help with school work' package. This can mean that you are under a lot of pressure to meet the needs of a child, particularly when the child is struggling to make up their own mind on what they want to do with their lives.You may also find that the subjects you choose for your programme can seem to be about the subject matter, and not the skills to be learnt. Many people use tutoring as a way of having fun and learning together, and this is something that can go on to be very good for the child as well as helping them.

Does Online Tutoring Have Privacy Issues?

Does Online Tutoring Have Privacy Issues?Online tutoring colleges are popping up across the country, allowing college students to study at home, whether they want to or not. However, the appeal of this arrangement is not without some negative elements, most notably privacy concerns. These concerns stem from the assumption that colleges should know about their students. If colleges can track students and keep tabs on them, then how can they protect their privacy?Since there is a lack of information about online tutoring colleges, some students fear that any information about them is compromised. This could lead to a lot of mistrust in the student's opinion. Student privacy is more than just protecting information. In today's world, it also includes the ability to view educational videos and enjoy educational activities that are not advertised. It can also protect the student's academic records from misuse.This information privacy is not only limited to college students. Many employers use the fact that there is no physical contact with the student for employment purposes. Therefore, even if colleges do have an agreement with the company where the student works, it is still possible that the student is able to find ways to work around this restriction. That is why, it is crucial for employers to make it clear to their employees that if they provide contact information, they will be at risk for internet privacy violations.To make things worse, college students tend to take a lot of online classes, even when they would rather be taking classes in person. Since they are so busy, they tend to put a lot of extra pressure on themselves to do well on their assignments, and thus lose focus on their study. Unfortunately, this can lead to a lowered grade in spite of an above average grade in their other subjects.It is the job of a teacher to make their students take online learning seriously. A good teacher will find ways to give them a break. For example, if the student i s studying a little bit ahead of time, it can be a benefit to hold the class and watch video content. Many students who would normally balk at this idea will happily oblige because they are used to going to class and being limited in the time that they can study. This is much different than being a student with a student-teacher ratio.There are many benefits to online tutoring, such as not having to worry about one's grades and deadlines. It can also be a great way to learn some practical skills. Students who find these activities valuable also find that they can be more productive students.There are also a lot of benefits to both the student and the parent of a student, because the student's privacy can be protected, the parent can also have time for themselves. In some cases, colleges will allow parents to sign up for a parent-teacher day, where they can learn how to improve their children's writing and spelling. They can also go over tips on how to increase their child's attentio n span. This allows both parents and teachers to have a much closer bond.

Geometry Resources Online

Geometry Resources Online Online Resources for Geometry Study ChaptersGeneral Geometry ResourcesMassive Open Online CoursesSites to Help you Learn GeometryA remarkable aspect of the Internet is that nothing ever goes away; the flipside of that, for any search you conduct, is the amazing number of pages returned that may bear only the most tenuous connection to what you are looking for.Contrary to people’s idea that, for each query, search engines turn up exactly the answer you need, instead you get a mishmash of information that you then have to sift through to find what you want.In defending the Internet, some aver that you only need to ask the right question. The trouble is: what is the right question?Let’s say you need practice calculating the area and volume of 3D shapes or maybe gain a better understanding of congruent triangles, so you set out to find geometry worksheets.Typing ‘geometry worksheets’ into your favourite web browser will indeed result in a list of worksheets; now you can study to your heart’s content.Wait a minute ! Are these indeed the aspects of geometry you need to study or did you get a bunch of random sheets that have no relation to the particular shape or structure you need help with?That is why your Superprof has combed the Internet for the best geometry resources and organised them by their level and usage.Now we turn this handy directory over to you… so you can do less searching and more geometry.Grab your compass and straightedge; here we go! MyriamMaths Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £200/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Dr parikhMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KamalMaths Teacher 5.00 (9) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PetarMaths Teacher 5.00 (8) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GowsikaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RubenMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ConorMaths Teac her 4.75 (4) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsGeneral Geometry Resources Unlike British students, US learners don't study the law of cosines and complementary angles until secondary school Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayA rather remarkable aspect of the education system in the UK is that maths skills are not taught in a vacuum.Students start learning geometry (and mathematics) from the earliest Key Stages and they continue to study geometry as they advance through each level, while the maths curriculum get progressively more complex â€" and, some would say, more difficult.By contrast, math learners across the pond, in the US, don’t start learning higher math until a few years later in their academic career and, even then, each facet â€" trigonometry, geometry and algebra and taught as subjects onto themselves, with little connection given to the big picture: that all maths are related.As a maths student in the UK (or the parent of such a maths student), you probably do not much care how Americans learn their math; you only want to find answers to you r math questions.We mention the difference between learning systems because many of the online resources for practising geometry and maths, in general, are American-born and are targeted to American students.Still, these are fantastic sources of information and, if you can manage to overlook the differences in spelling and pronunciation (in the video presentations), there is a lode of geometry information to be mined.ThoughtCo.ThoughtCo is a reference site whose content is written by professionals at the top of their fields in language that is easy to understand, whether you want to know more about biology, history or maths.Their site is uncluttered and well-organised and, while on their pages, you won’t suffer annoying pop-ups that want to send you notifications or enticements to buy anything.From their home page, it is easy to navigate to the math/science page and select geometry. There, you will find informational articles and printable worksheets to challenge your skills.A sin gle article lists the most important geometry definitions:line segment: a portion of a line that is between defined pointsray: the segment of a line from a set point, and any points along that lineangles: acute angles, right angles and obtuse angles, and what defines themselvesthey also feature straight angles, reflex angles and complementary/supplementary anglesEuclidean geometry and postulatesIntersecting lines, line midpoint and bisectorsIn one fell swoop, ThoughtCo covers basic geometry; the rest of their pages on the subject cover more advanced concepts with accompanying worksheets you can print and work on.With ThoughtCo, you can regale yourself with all of the basic geometry you need: equations, examples and worksheets. Our next website provides video instruction… Of you're left scratching your head over analytic geometry or even word problems, there is help to be found online Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayKhan AcademyWith Khan, the difference between the American education system and our is much more pronounced; all of their material is organised according to the US education system.Khan affords you the option of searching for learning materials by ‘grade’ which roughly corresponds to our ‘year’ system. For instance, a British Year 10 student is roughly equivalent to an American 9th -grade student... but there are no firm, parallel lines between the levels, so you may have to hunt around a bit for exactly what you are looking for.Another point to remember is that American math students generally do not encounter geometry until they are in secondary school so, if you select ‘geometry’ from the site’s homepage, you will be directed to ‘high school geometry’ - which may well be where you need to go.Keep these points in mind as you search for geometry instruction on Khan!Now that you’ve arrived at the ‘high school math’ page, you may start your instruction by going over the bases of geometry: angles and polygons, and calculating the areas of such.Don’t forget to partake of their full overview of the Pythagorean theorem!You may also choose to move on to the topic you need the most help with: congruence, similar triangles, trigonometric ratios…Each segment is clearly marked; you can search for the topic that particularly interests you (or bedevils you!), watch the videos on that subject and then take an exam.If you’d rather not create an account and launch yourself headlong into video instruction, you may read the review articles listed at the bottom of the maths/geometry page.Both of these American sites provide fantastic resources to master the fundamentals of geometric figures, now let’s get a bit more international.Massive Open Online CoursesIf you are preparing to sit your GCSEs or A-L evels, you will probably need more advanced materials to study from/with.The new wave in education, these MOOCs, may just be the thing that will get you ready to sit your school-leaving or university entrance exams.As their name implies, they are conducted strictly online and they are open to anyone who has an interest. Some courses cost a small fee while others are completely free but for enrolment into the website or programme.Many top-name schools often host such courses but combing those schools’ websites to find them might bring you more frustration and aggravation than it’s worth. The solution for that is… you guessed it: another website (or three)!Coursera is one of the top names in MOOCs. They offer everything from free courses in AI and algorithms to a full degree course to earn an MBA. Their courses usually originate from top-named US schools.Their curriculum is unfortunately not tailored to anyone needing an in-depth understanding of geometric constructions; theirs is more of a hit-and-miss proposition.To wit, we searched their database for a geometry course and, while they had one listed, it was not currently active. Still, Coursera has plenty to offer; they are well worth bookmarking for later exploration.FutureLearn works in much the same way as Coursera and also originates in the US. They are less inclined to offer courses at no cost.If you are feeling adventurous, you may try MOOC List.They compile and list MOOCs from any school, anywhere in the world. No need to worry; they let you know where the course originates from and which language it is taught in.Remember, in the introduction to this article, that we said everything ever put into cyberspace is still there?That also holds true for MOOC-list; some of their course listings show a start date of 2016!  But then, some show an imminent start date too. Maybe they just haven’t gotten around to culling all of the outdated classes…Have you considered finding a geometry tutor who will hel p you master Pythagorean triples and similar geometry problems? Before you err into the land of the polyhedra, take a moment to master basic geometric formulae Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabaySites to Help you Learn GeometryIt’s quite nice that our American friends put so much geometrical information into cyberspace for all to learn from but we Brits have a few pages of our own to turn to.Take, for instance, Teach It Primary.Their geometry resources page is targeted to Key Stage 2 students so that they can better understand shapes: comparing and classifying them, their properties and how they are constructed.If you feel the need to investigate a quadrilateral in depth, their exercises blending quadrilaterals and scissors are sure to be a hit. Conversely, if calculating the area of a circle or distinguishing the types of triangles stymies you, there, you would be well-served.From the table below, you can find a summary of the geometry help - some that we’ve listed in this article; their web addresses and what you can find there.List of Helpf ul Geometry Web PagesSite NameWeb AddressWhat You Will FindKhan Academywww.khanacademy.orgInstructional videos and worksheets organised by level (designed for US students!)Thought Co.www.thoughtco.comArticles, worksheets and geometric formulasCourserawww.coursera.orgOpen online learning courses pertaining to geometry or other geometry applicationsFutureLearnwww.futurelearn.comGeometry and geometry-related open courses (as available)MOOC Listwww.mooc-list.comAn assortment of MOOCs; a search will pull up all geometry-related coursesTeach It math learning resources including a page for geometryTTS, puzzles and various geometry-related items for saleHomeschool Mathwww.homeschoolmath.netGeometry lessons and worksheets; links to further geometry learning sites (designed for US students!)Analyze Mathwww.analyzemath.comAbundant math resources including geometry formulae and worksheetsWhether it is the humble triangle or t he lofty-sounding parallelogram that is giving you fits; whether you want to deepen your trove of knowledge about geometric shapes in general or theorems in particular, you can turn to any of these pages for the information you need... without having to figure out the right question to ask your browser!Don’t stop now! Discover our beginner’s guide to geometry...